We meet every WEDNESDAY for 7 weeks


The key to your truest expression lies in your throat. we all have a voice and we can all sing. experience clarity, freedom and empowerment.

Do you wish to speak and sing with unwavering confidence?

Seeking that deep connection within to uncover your authentic voice?

Dreaming to inspire and radiate?

Are mantras, healing melodies, or intuitive singing in your realm of interest?

Eager to harness your voice for therapeutic release and emotional healing?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you.

Please join me for a 7 week ONLINE Voice Activation that will bring you into the fullest expression of yourself, bringing forth your true potential, coming into a deeper connection with your soul and your truth. 

During these seven weeks, we will go on a healing journey to uncover your voice and bring forth your true essence in a safe and loving container. You do not need singing or voice experience to do this course.

Voice work and singing changed my life and my energy. I used to not sing. Let me guide you through a transformational course that gives you the tools that you already have inside of you.

This course is for:

  • Anyone feeling like they can’t express themselves, have trouble telling the truth or even knowing what their truth is, grow emotionally or showing up in the world 

  • Anyone who wants to activate their voice and learn how to use the voice in a holistic, healing way

  • Creators, coaches, guides, healers ect. who want to strengthen your confidence and express yourselves and share your unique gifts with the world 

Course VS. Working one-on-one:

I would like to highlight the differences between this container and working 1:1

  • This course we work with a community. The benefits of community are that you meet different people from all over the world. In the other we can see ourselves. Working in a group is a different type of support than working 1:1

  • Also with this course we will be working with the specific theme on coming into your purpose, into your truth, we will be going into blockages on what is preventing you from expressing who you really are

During this 7 week course we will:

  • Activate the voice

  • Deepen and expand your voice and range - in doing this we also expand and deepen our own energy, heart and minds 

  • Meeting our edges! Where do you feel uncomfortable in your life? Where are you afraid to express yourself? What is holding you back from expressing who you are fully as a creator on this Earth? 

  • Come into a greater awareness of your voice

  • Become better listeners, learn how to listen and how to listen to yourself!   

  • Use the voice to come into a state of Love and Harmony 

  • Learn techniques and mediations to expand your voice and go within

The Offering:

  • To be a part of an international community of like minded people who are working on their voice and want to express themselves

  • Meet once a week for 2 hours live on zoom for the course work

  • Be a part of a whatsapp group for around the clock support

What you need to participate:

  • The will and want to change and shift

  • Curiosity to play with your voice

  • Beginner’s mind

  • A good internet connection, computer and cell phone



payment plans and scholarships are available
- please send an email here



I just wanted to share how grateful I am to have taken part to this special group.. I feel already something in me has shifted.. maybe my not my singing, yet I feel the willingness and the desire to be more assertive, to stand up for myself and say no without explanation, to choose self-love and not cave anymore for people-pleasy / good girl forgiving behaviours. I really feel that's also thanks to each one of you and one of your voices and our voices in-sync together.

Luciana Sol

hope you can dimension how amazing it is that you’re inspiring,encouraging and supporting us to SING with all that is involved in the process (expressing ourselves, KNOWING a little bit more our inner universe and allowing ourselves to show up without being so prejudiced with ourselves…layer by layer) . I feel love and devotion for your purpose and your vision. thank you for this amazing course.

week 1

Awaken & Remember

In the first week we will activate the voice we have inside of us and define our intentions. You will enter this sacred container with your own unique story - and be joined with a community of souls who have their own stories but are looking for transformation, and to come into a deeper sense of expression and truth. 

Whatever your intention is, whatever is desiring to be moved and shifted - it is something DIVINE, it comes from a higher power. 

In this first week you will awaken your voice, be heard and learn how to use the voice as a tool to connect with your higher self. 


Expansion & Exploration

As we expand our vibrational power (our voice) we expand our life. Anything is possible - sometimes we just need a vibrational adjustment. Learn how to use the voice to discover the deepest parts of yourself that you didn't know existed inside of you. We will go on an internal journey with our voice and explore the connection between vibration and chakras. 

You will begin to build your own voice awakening practice that you can use in your daily meditations. Your creativity will also start to unfold at this stage of the course, resulting in feeling more innovative and productive. 

week 3

Shadow Transformation

It’s time to say goodbye to the old story

Through the voice we will discover what is our point of discomfort. Where are we holding ourselves back?

In this module we will bring the old story to the surface, finding where we have disharmony in our energetic field and emotional and physical bodies.

Although this may seem uncomfortable, sitting with our shadow in a protected space of love is a fundamental skill in transformational work. You will learn how to use the voice to hold yourself and to release old patterns and stories. 


Voice Alchemy

STraight from the Heart 

In this module the magic gets turned up! You will learn how to use the voice to transform that shadow and discomfort into joy and love and some basic healing voice healing techniques. We will deep dive into the human heart, using the voice to access this place of alchemy.
By accessing the heart through your voice, you will learn how to attune yourself to the beauty and miracle of life, coming into resonance and into a space of heart coherence. This is all about coming into our natural heart stated way of being through making sounds of love and harmony that travel and ripple into our reality.

week 5

Listening, Embodied 

In week 5, we embark on a transformative journey to come into a deeper connection with who you are. We work on embodiment and deep listening through vocal work, bodily movements and being witnessed. This module explores grounding techniques and empowering vocal exercises, resulting in increased confidence in vocal expression and a profound shift in energy.



As the voice awakens, a remarkable clarity washes over us. Gone are the uncertainties about our words and actions; we step into authenticity, embracing both our affirmations and refusals. The inner compass, once elusive, becomes our guide, illuminating the path to our genuine convictions. This transformation is potent, forging an unbreakable connection with our truth and imbuing us with the bravery to articulate it. This newfound strength is the catalyst, ushering in not only a wave of prosperity but also a renewed enthusiasm for life's vibrant possibilities.

week 7


In the culminating final module of our journey, you will reach a point of self-expression that is marked by a remarkable sense of ease and freedom, surpassing any preconceived limitations you may have had about your voice and body. Through the tools and insights gained throughout the workshop series, you'll discover newfound confidence and authenticity in your vocal expression, allowing you to communicate your thoughts, emotions, and intentions with unparalleled fluidity and grace. Moreover, you'll delve into yet another potent and wondrous meditation practice, designed to immerse you in a space of true divine expression. This meditation will serve as a powerful gateway to accessing the core of your inner self, helping you unveil and unleash the full potential of your voice and body as instruments of genuine, unencumbered communication and self-expression. It's the final step in a transformative journey that empowers you to share your unique voice and presence with the world in a way you might never have imagined possible.