AwAKEN your voice

Let your soul shine through your voice. We all have a voice, we all can sing. Our voice is a source of deep healing and transformation.

Voice work has been the most powerful tool and medicine in my healing journey. Through my sound healing studies, I have discovered, that WE are big crystal bowls, our body is an instrument, and by working with the voice, we can tune and heal ourselves on a deep level.

By coming into a more conscious relationship with our voice we elevate our frequency. By getting to know our own voice and gaining mastery over this personal instrument we carry with us all the time, we come into our true power.

The voice is our greatest expression, our truth, integrity. We live in a vibrational reality, and our voice is our own personal vibration.

Discover how to use your voice to transform negative emotions, release blocked energy, and dissolve stress in your body. The sounds of your authentic voice can clear energetic patterns that have previously inhibited your natural ability to heal — and to open you to transformative self-expression and deep connection with others.

MY Voice Journey

I wasn’t always the confident woman you see today singing her heart out… It took me a while to get here. 

When I was young, I used to dream of being like the little Mermaid. I wished so deeply to not have a voice, and to be someone else. I was sexually abused from a young age and I remember thinking how easy it would be if I just never had to speak. Holding this secret for many years weighed heavily on me, and created a lot of confusion and hurt in many areas of my life, especially in those areas around trust, speaking the truth, and knowing and freely expressing who I really was. 

I was in a lot of pain. I moved away from the USA at age 22, and tried on many different ‘identities’ in the following years and experimented with a lot of different realities and characters, from being a dedicated live-in girlfriend who took care of a man and house, to working in a crazy fashion job traveling all over the world to being a wild party crazy girl who did lots of drugs… until I finally burnt out… and I was left with my wounds and my truth. 

Then my real healing journey began. I was introduced to sound healing and while singing with my crystal bowls after a week of buying them I had a Mystical heart opening Divine experience that touched me so deeply words don’t do it justice. 

After that experience I knew that the voice and sound was my medicine and my Dharma. I deep dove into every voice healing training and workshop possible. I took singing lessons with multiple people. The more I sang, the more my voice opened up. The more I sang, the more I came into my truth. The more I sang, the more I healed. 

The thing I like the most about voice work is that it works vibrationally. It actually shifts things inside on a deep level that goes beyond just ‘talking about it’. Using the voice consciously and singing has been the most potent medicine for me, and it is my heart’s work to share this with the world.


I help others connect with the spirit of their voice in a safe, holistic environment. The journey with the voice is boundless, as the connection with spirit is infinite, and it takes a few sessions to really meet your voice, let alone begin to really get to know it. Sessions include sound meditations, personalised breathing techniques, working with the sacred vowels, body movement, singing medicine songs, going into positive and negative emotions with the voice, time for introspection and sharing, as well as much much more. I advise this work to anyone who wants to work with their voice on a holistic, spiritual level, anyone who feels a bit blocked with their voice or expression. The voice has a laser potential and can heal our deepest traumas.

AT the moment, I am not offering any 1:1 slots as My schedule is full. MY VOICE COURSE IS LAUNCHiNG juNE 11 if you would like to join. If it is an urgent request please send me an email.


Emily T., California

I can't express how transformative my one-on-one voice work sessions with Leah have been. Each session is like peeling back layers of emotion and self-discovery. The power of the human voice is truly astounding, and Leah has a unique ability to guide you to tap into that power. I leave each session feeling lighter, more connected to myself, and ready to face the world with renewed confidence.

Daniel R., London

I've always been somewhat reserved when it comes to expressing myself vocally, but Leah made me feel incredibly comfortable and supported during our sessions. The breakthroughs I've had in my personal and professional life since starting these sessions have been remarkable. These sessions are an investment in yourself that yields immeasurable returns.

Mary K., Florida

Working with Leah on my voice has been a game-changer. I've struggled with self-expression and confidence for years, and these sessions have provided me with the tools and guidance I needed to break free from those limitations. The power of the voice is something I never truly appreciated until now, and [Your Name]'s expertise and compassion have made this journey incredibly enriching.

Anna C., Italy

Leah's sensitivity and intuition are awe-inspiring. They seem to have an innate ability to tune into exactly what needs healing and gently guide you through the process. Each session feels like a sacred journey, a pilgrimage into the depths of my being.

If you're on a quest for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and a deeper connection with yourself, I wholeheartedly recommend Leah’s one-on-one voice work sessions. They are not just sessions; they are profound, transformative experiences that will leave you forever changed.